Applications for a 2024 AMS Research Grant are now closed.
Become a member or renew your membership by 31 May 2024 and receive our brand-new 2024 AMS pin!
​We have concessional and 3-year membership with a discounted cost. Please see the membership page for details.
We continue to promote eTalks and eMeetings that are organised by various universities and societies. Please contact the webmaster if you would like us to promote eTalks or eMeetings that are run by your organisation and are open to the public.​
We are excited to announce that our merchandise shop is now open! It’s the perfect place to look for the perfect gift for mycologists.
To support our society, check out our products here.
Check out Tom May's Fungi Portrait page, which showcases new and interesting fungi found in Australasia.​​​
Our latest newsletters are available on the Newsletters page
Follow us on Twitter at @ausmycsoc or take time to look at the terrific Facebook page with announcements and interesting posts on all things mycological.​​
If you have found an interesting fungus and would like to know what it could be, please see our What the Fungus?! page.
Interested in joining a local group of fungal enthusiasts? Fungimap has a good list of groups in different states here.
During March 2024 the Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) (hosted by CSIRO) is supporting biosecurity data partners to raise awareness and increase reporting of invasive myrtle rust through citizen science. You can read more about this initiative the threat of myrtle rust here, and download a pdf of the citizen science initiative.
About Us
The mission of the Australasian Mycological Society is to promote research and teaching in all areas of fungal biology, to raise the profile of mycology in the Australasian region, to promote the conservation of Australasian fungi and to facilitate networking and collaboration among mycologists.
AMS members include experts in diverse areas including fungal taxonomy and systematics, ecology, evolution, epidemiology, biochemistry, genetics, cell and molecular biology, biotechnology, conservation and biodiversity, physiology, plant pathology, molecular pathogenesis and medical mycology.
We organize conferences and forays to bring members together to share their research and to network in a relaxed environment.
Our society welcome new members and contributions to our website via news, events, opportunities, fungal photographs or research. Please get in touch if you have something you'd like to share.
To learn more about the society, our constitution, and AGMs click here.
© AMS. all rights reserved.