Australasian Mycologist Volume 22(1): 2004
Alpine Special Issue
Issue Editors: T. W. May and S. J. M. McMullan-Fisher
T. W. May and S. J. M. McMullan-Fisher
Special issue on Australasian alpine fungi: introduction.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 1–3
P. W. Davies, C. B. McLean and T. L. Bell
Root survey and isolation of fungi from alpine epacrids (Ericaceae).
Australasian Mycologist 22, 4–10
J. A. Simpson and C. A. Grgruinovic
A new species of Lanzia (Rutstroemiaceae) from Mt Kosciuszko, Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 11–14
J. A. Simpson and C. A. Grgruinovic
A new species of Aleurodiscus (Stereaceae) from Mt Kosciuszko, Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 15–19
S. L. Stephenson and P. R. Johnston
Myxomycetes and fungi associated with alpine snowbank habitats in New Zealand.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 20–26
J.M. Trappe & A.W. Claridge
Australasian sequestrate (truffle-like) fungi. 15. New species from tree line in the Australian Alps.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 27–38
A. E. Wood
Some agarics of the Kosciuszko National Park.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 39–43
S. J. M. McMullan-Fisher, T. W. May and J. B. Kirkpatrick
Some macrofungi from alpine Tasmania.
Australasian Mycologist 22, 44–52