Australasian Mycologist Volume 21(1): 2002
N. L. Bougher and J. M. Trappe
Dermocybe globuliformis: first report of a hypogeous species for the genus.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 1–3
T. Lebel
A new species of Zelleromyces (Russulales) from Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 4–8
J. M. Trappe and N. L. Bougher
Australasian sequestrate (truffle-like) fungi. XI. Gummivena potorooi gen. & sp. nov.(Basidiomycota, Mesophelliaceae), with a key to the 'gummy' genera and species of the Mesophelliaceae.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 9–11
F. H. Gleason and P. McGee
Septal pore cap ultrastructure of fungi identified as Epulorhiza sp. (sensu Sebacina) isolated from Australian orchids.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 12–15
A. M. Young, Paul I. Forster and R. Booth
Report: A preliminary checklist of the macrofungi of the Wet Tropics and Einasleigh Uplands Bioregions of Queensland, Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 16–20
A. M. Young, P. I. Forster and R. Booth
Report: Notes on Podaxis Desv. in the 'Wet Tropics' & Einesleigh Uplands Bioregions of Northern Queensland.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 21–23
T. Stijve and D. Andrey
Phaeolepiota aurea, a beautiful and mysterious mushroom.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 24–28
T. Stijve and M. A. L. De A. Amanonas
Agaricus blazei Murrill—A new gourmet and medicinal mushroom from Brazil.
Australasian Mycologist 21, 29–33