Australasian Mycologist Volume 25(3): 2007
James H. Cunnington, Rachel A. Powney, Robin J. Adair and Kyla J . Finlay
Glomerella miyabeana on willows in Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 25, 69–72
G. Guzmán, J. Allen, F. RamÃrez-Guillén and P. Sihanonth
A new record of Psilocybe pegleriana in Asia (Basidiomicotina, Agaricales, Strophariaceae) and its culture in the laboratory.
Australasian Mycologist 25, 73–76
J. Walker
Some smuts of Isolepis (Cyperaceae), Juncus (Juncaceae) and Sesbania (Fabaceae) in Australia.
Australasian Mycologist 25, 77–86
J. M. Trappe and M. A. Castellano
Clavulina lilliputiana, a diminutive new species from Tasmania.
Australasian Mycologist 25, 87–89
J. A. Simpson, I. W. Smith and C. A. Grgurinovic
Vale Dr Dr Gretna Weste AM (1917–2006).
Australasian Mycologist 25, 90–91
Jack Simpson
Book Reviews: M. J. Priest: Septoria, Fungi of Australia (2006); Ann Bell: An Illustrated Guide to the Coprophilous Fungi of Australia (2005); G. Council et al.:Il Genere Cortinarius in Italia. Tome I. (2003), Tome II (2004), Tome III (2005), Tome IV (2006); A. D. Chapman: Numbers of Living Species in Australia and the World (2006); P. Grey and E. Grey: Fungi Down Under. The Fungimap Guide to Australian Fungi (2005).
Australasian Mycologist 25, 92–96
C. A. Grgurinovic and J. A. Simpson
Final Editorial.
Australasian Mycologist 25, 97–98